5年後の自分へ Letter to yourself in 5 years

unnamed-2 今年15周年を迎えたMSTERIO。サマーキャンプ期間中、5年前に参加してくれたキャンパーやスタッフたちが書いた『5年後の自分へ』というレターを手渡ししました。



レターを手渡しできなかったみんなに郵送し終えたところ、今日、あるキャンパー(当時8才・今13才)から 素敵でチャーミングなメッセージが届いたので、シェアーしたいと思います。

Thank you so much for mailing the letter to me. I compleatly forgot that I wrote that, it’s been so long! Once I read that letter though, I thought of the time that I actually wrote it, and it reminded me of how much fun I had at MSTERIO. I can’t believe that it has been five years since my first experience at a sleep away camp, I mean at the time I felt almost grown up, ( haha I was eight and I had no parents or family whatsoever, so of course I was on top of the world) but the reality of it was that I WAS EIGHT not even at double digits yet. From the letter I could tell that I didn’t even know how to spell “they” I had spelled it “thay”. Now, I am thirteen, officially and finally, a teenager; I also learned the correct spelling for all the errors I made in the letter. I haven’t exactly been the biggest fan of Houston, TX; but I have made some really great friends over the years and it’s been okay overall, even thought it isn’t “home” yet. I have had almost a personality change, I am now somehow loud and bubbly, even thought I was super quiet and shy. Or at least, that is what I have been told. Thank you so much for mailing me the letter.


あと5年後 2020年はどんな”あなた”になっているかしら? 今持っている”夢”は5年後にはきっと実現していると信じています!  DREAM BIG